
Meet Startups from The Unsung Heroes Acceleration Programme Pilot Edition

The list of winners of startups taking part in the Unsung Heroes Acceleration Programme

Hydropolis is general constructor of vertical farming systems and software together with algorithms for growing crops within a controlled environment. Cultivation systems and the Grow Wizard automated system allows one to simulate any weather condition within a closed ecosystem. We make it possible to grow healthy and tasty seasonal products year-round, regardless of the climate. 

We develop water solutions for rural communities and emergency response
Our ROAMfilter series are lightweight, hand-pump filtration products which are able to remove bacteria and viruses. 
Our products can be deployed immediately, do not require electricity or infrastructure, and produce water at high volumes for households and communities.

Indra’s Electrical Water Treatment Systems
Modular water treatment systems based on patented physio-electrical technology for recycling Domestic & Industrial wastewater
8 Commercial Deployments/ 30+ Trials/ 2,2 Milion Litres/Day capacity under deployment

At AQUOSMIC, we use satellite images and AI to revolutionize global water quality monitoring. We are developing a SAAS platform and early warning system to address the lack of reliability in current data and provide constant & accurate information for optimal water resource management.

Waboost is  nanobubble technology pioneer in Europe.  Nanobubbles is disruptive water treatment technology, which enables  our clients to reduce their water, chemical and energy footprint. Our solution disinfect water without chemicals  and enrich water with oxygen for agriculture, waste water and open water applications.

SeaMind is based on floating, semicircular, translucent and self-sufficient structure which works as a marine greenhouse for obtaining organic crops by aeroponics. The aim of Control Environment Agriculture (CEA) is temperature, humidity and CO2 monitoring to increase yield.

The patient performs an auscultatory examination of the respiratory system at home using the StethoMe® electronic stethoscope, and the cloud-based system and AI model provides information on detected abnormalities, respiratory rate, inspiration/expiration time ratio, heart rate and history completed by the patient. The recording, spectrogram and analysis is made available to the physician who is monitoring the patient remotely.

Project Baala is a social enterprise that creates and disseminates innovative menstrual health solutions to end period poverty and period illiteracy while generating employment.
Since 2017, Baala has prevented 113 million non-biodegradable sanitary napkins from entering landfills. This is through directly benefiting 500,000 rural women and girls and distributing over 1.5 million reusable sanitary napkins across  India and pockets of Nepal, South Africa and Ghana.

Shen Health App assess the health in a holistic way through clinically proven, camera-based vital sign measurement of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Breathing Rate and Stress Index in 60 seconds only with smartphone, tablet or computer, as well as through health assessment surveys. 
Shen Health App also provides health risks, such as heart failure or stroke and wide range of functionalities including health challenges based on gamification, reminders, personalized health advices and general knowledge about health. It provides access to all the information necessary to make informed decisions regarding health and is the ultimate resource for individuals seeking to take control of their health and well-being.

The pandemic has made society much more aware of the need for appropriate sanitary and epidemiological conditions. To respond to these need we created Field4Sterylity – device for ultra-fast sterilization in which pulsed electric field was used, as a factor deactivating pathogens, which is incredibly innovative. The efficiency of this method was confirmed by two certified research units. It’s distinguished by its high speed of operation, simplicity, and the possibility of volume sterilization of porous materials like paper or fabrics, which makes it an ideal solution in the many applications.

The doctors can make use of digital records , and manage the flow of medical services with ease to deliver the best outcome for the patient . Helps keep trends when it comes to disease prevalence  and other demographic features . A step in establishing a data driven decision making in healthcare.

Medtech Africa helps public and private healthcare institutions in the SADC region with advanced medical technology support by linking them with manufacturers. Medtech also provides after sales service on behalf of the manufacturer in terms of installation, maintenance and user training. These combined improve the efficiency of such hospitals that choose to work with us.

upmedic is a an extension to the existing IT systems in medical facilities focused solely on helping doctors with creating medical documentation as it can consume up to 66% of their time. This means that bureaucracy is worth twice as much as patients!
As we focus on the generation of textual content, we also support speech recognition, standardization, automatic translation, structurization and coding of the medical documentation. Our system is very flexible in terms of introducing new languages and onboarding doctors of different specialties and levels of technical expertise

An inclusive community of women in Lebanon  who specialize in making artisanal preserves made of local natural ingredients and inspired by the traditional cuisine.
Natural Artisanal Preserves
Made in Lebanon 
Cooked with fruits, vegetables, spices and nuts.

KSM Organic Fertilizer Company is dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable organic fertilizers that enrich soil health, enhance plant growth, and promote eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Thanks to the Full Fridge app, humanitarian organizations can use the application to reach people in need of food more easily.
In crisis situations such as wars or natural disasters, the Full Fridge app can be used to quickly and effectively distribute food to those affected. As a result, the Full Fridge app can play an important role
in providing humanitarian aid and preventing food waste.

We are a digital food history platform.
– We have been working with companies in the agricultural sector and soon the fishing sector in Peru
– Our purpose is to achieve sustainable production and fair trade.
– We help to reduce by 80% the time, the collection of data in the food production chain
– We increase the value of the food product by 20% for the demonstrated quality

iPoP Africa is an agribusiness initiative using a popping technology to reclaim the sovereignty of indigenous cereals such as sorghum, millet and amaranth shaping the future of snacking fulling the quest of a healthy population seeking healthier, plant-forward, delicious on-the-go snack bringing robust ethnic flavors without giving up their moments of indulgence. We promote the ethical consumption values of our customers seeking to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives through reusable packaging bags and contribute to increasing the ever-diminishing forest cover through our one snack one tree initiative.

Eat Clean is an online shop of healthy food brand certified by nutrition doctors to provide organic and natural products for those with chronic diseases and food allergies, with recipes that are carefully made with an appropriate cooking methods to preserve the nutrient content of our ingredients.

At Humanava, our core belief is in creating engaging, impactful and scalable human-centered L&D programs. 
We offer live, cohort-based, highly engaging courses on essential human skills. Our courses are designed to increase engagement of leaders and teams thanks to personalized advice from recognized coaches and experts in the field.
We are also designing an always-on, always-engaged personal AI coach bot trained on the principles of high performance and effective leadership aimed at developing a person’s full potential.
We believe the combination of real human interactive coaching along with leveraging the latest in AI will generate the most powerful results.

nulrn’s vision – Zero school School dropouts    
Mission educate 10 million in 2027 .
nulrn delivers highly engaging , gamified , curriculum based education to growing economies in global south . Focus are is Have nots in Africa .The mobile first application (+ web ) works as a layer between conventional schools and students . nulrn elevates quality of learning due to its engaging nature , bettering academic performance , creating interest and creating Hope that education is the answer to move out of spiral of poverty and elevate standard of life .

Our solution addresses the major challenges of financial exclusion in Africa by providing access to financial and social services, access to business support and advisory and creating data in the informal sector.
Our mobile app is powered by advanced data science and artificial intelligence that instantly underwrites and disburses loans to people who have no borrowing history. Also, our users can open an account, save  their money and generate financial records, through our trained community agents.

FlexAndRobust Systems: a high-tech university spin-off, first to introduce flexible joints to civil engineering with several patents so far, and constantly developing new applications
Use our technology for: 
Emergency protection of highly damaged structures (left panel), as safety  tapes (right panel), crack healing, and many more!

Altroo is a revolutionary support to fundraising.
86% of the global internet users chose Google Chrome. At PlumResearch we built a Chromium based web browser to generate money for great causes without a noticeable difference to consumers.
Altroo allows you to connect your daily internet activities with helping others – quickly and clearly. While you browse the web, we gather valuable, but anonymized data, exchange it for money, and donate for charitable purposes of you choice.

We are delivering drone-driven solutions for:
-Fast and affordable medical supplies deliveries
-Monitoring of critical infrastructure and humanitarian convoys
-Data collecting for environmental and climate protection purposes
-Maintaining security in national parks (anti-poaching activities)
-Cargo transport in regions affected by lack of road infrastructure
-Search and rescue operations in regions affected by the natural disasters